
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

 Choose your tree, or plant, or fern  (Flora) that grows at Paparore School.

  1. What is the meaning for the words Flora and Fauna?

Flora is the plant life and fauna is the animal life.

  1. Where did your flora originate from?

Bracken fern is native to Australia.  But in NZ it grows in forest areas and gardens.

      3. What is your flora used for? 

Soap and glass making, as a fertiliser, and as a compost.

4. Does your plant grow anywhere else in NZ?

My plant grows all over NZ in forests and gardens.

5. Does your plant grow anywhere else in the world?

My fern grows all over NSW, NZ and Australia in forests.

6.Describe your plants features - leaf, bark, flower’s - ½ paragraphs

Bracken fern is usually green but can be found brown.  It can be used for a lot of different activities and uses but it is considered a pest.  My plant grows in gardens, forests and shady areas.

It can be used as a bedding and a shelter if you collect enough of it.

           7.What is the botanical name of your plant

Pteridium is the scientific name for my plant

8.Insert a photo of you and your plant.





I've got something to say

    The Farm

The farm was usual enough

It had bamboo lanes that bordered our paddocks 

Cattle that grazed down our paddocks and old                                                                           broken fences that always fell over.  It even had a tree hut.

My brothers and I did what kids do -

Lounged around in the tree house,

Rode maverick and Kenny around their paddock, racing each other,

Pushed the cows around their paddock,

Had mud baths in the muddy paddocks,

Rolled around in the tickly hay

And played hide ‘n’ seek in the long wavy grass.

Doing nothing important.  Grace


  The Playground

 The playground was usual enough                      

 It had monkey bars of all different shapes and sizes,

Slides that twist and turn , ladders that lead up to the highest platforms.  It even had a sensory garden.

 My friends and I did what girls do-

Chased each other around the garden, 

talked about random things, 

laughed at funny sayings , 

Played busted on high platforms and monkey bars ,

Talked about important matters ,

Swinged on the monkey bars.

Doing nothing important.