
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

 Choose your tree, or plant, or fern  (Flora) that grows at Paparore School.

  1. What is the meaning for the words Flora and Fauna?

Flora is the plant life and fauna is the animal life.

  1. Where did your flora originate from?

Bracken fern is native to Australia.  But in NZ it grows in forest areas and gardens.

      3. What is your flora used for? 

Soap and glass making, as a fertiliser, and as a compost.

4. Does your plant grow anywhere else in NZ?

My plant grows all over NZ in forests and gardens.

5. Does your plant grow anywhere else in the world?

My fern grows all over NSW, NZ and Australia in forests.

6.Describe your plants features - leaf, bark, flower’s - ½ paragraphs

Bracken fern is usually green but can be found brown.  It can be used for a lot of different activities and uses but it is considered a pest.  My plant grows in gardens, forests and shady areas.

It can be used as a bedding and a shelter if you collect enough of it.

           7.What is the botanical name of your plant

Pteridium is the scientific name for my plant

8.Insert a photo of you and your plant.





I've got something to say

    The Farm

The farm was usual enough

It had bamboo lanes that bordered our paddocks 

Cattle that grazed down our paddocks and old                                                                           broken fences that always fell over.  It even had a tree hut.

My brothers and I did what kids do -

Lounged around in the tree house,

Rode maverick and Kenny around their paddock, racing each other,

Pushed the cows around their paddock,

Had mud baths in the muddy paddocks,

Rolled around in the tickly hay

And played hide ‘n’ seek in the long wavy grass.

Doing nothing important.  Grace


  The Playground

 The playground was usual enough                      

 It had monkey bars of all different shapes and sizes,

Slides that twist and turn , ladders that lead up to the highest platforms.  It even had a sensory garden.

 My friends and I did what girls do-

Chased each other around the garden, 

talked about random things, 

laughed at funny sayings , 

Played busted on high platforms and monkey bars ,

Talked about important matters ,

Swinged on the monkey bars.

Doing nothing important.

Friday, October 1, 2021




Back when Maori ruled the land there was a chief named Te Rauparaha, 

The chief of a tribe named Ngati Toa.  He was a wonderful warrior and he was feared by many other chiefs.  He was fierce,brave,smart and strong.  But Te Rauparaha had a problem: many chiefs were after him! 

Haka by Patricia Grace - Wellington Museum – Museums Wellington Online Store

So he went off in search of new warriors.  While he was searching he learned that his enemy tribe’s were tracking him.  While he was visiting a tribe their leader told him to go to Lake Rotoaira.  

Te Rauparaha travelled to Lake Rotoaira and asked to see their chief Te Wharerangi and ask for protection. 

Te Wharerangi agreed and told Te Rauparaha to hide in the POTATO PIT!

Te Rauparaha agreed because his enemies would never suspect him to hide in the potato pit.  So he climbed down the stairs and the inhabitants of the tribe covered the entrance with stones.  After they had filled in the entrance they placed a powerful wahine in front of the entrance and waited.


Inside the pit it was dark and musty.  Te Rauparaha listened as his enemy's footsteps grew closer and closer and closer.  He muttered “Will I die? Will I live? Over and over again.  When his enemy's footsteps went away he started to feel around for the steps.  When he found them he started to ascend them murmuring “Onward, onward.”  When he reached the top he leapt out of the potato pit crying “The sun is bright and I live.”

He travelled back to his tribe and retold his story to his people.  From setting off to hiding in the potato pit to emerging. 

And that same story has been passed down generations to children to us.


                                                      Whiti te ra!



Narative writing

 Monday 27 September 2021

Title:The worst hide ‘n’ seekers

WALT: Add descriptive features to my Narrative

Once upon a time on a tropical island filled with native plants in the middle of the south sea there lived: Galena, a time traveller that would refuse to wear normal clothes and her blonde hair reached her belly button and whose personality was very explosive.  Flashter is a cheetah who’s golden colored fur is speckled with black dots as well as a few white ones and a very sensitive personality.  The last inhabitant was a kitten named Charlie. He was a tabby whose pattern looked like a tigers and had the cheekiest personality out of all of them.  That day they decided to play hide ‘n’ seek.  Unfortunately the hide ‘n’ seek game was about to go downhill and not in a good way…

Problem: Charlie's lost!!!

As Charlie was thought of as the worst hider but the best seeker, all three of them decided that Charlie should hide first.  Galena was going to help Charlie hide and then stay in one spot.  So Flashter went off and started counting he had no idea that Charlie would get the better of him this time.  As soon as Flashter had gone, Charlie asked “Can I please hide in your pocket?”  Galena who had been wondering which stupid place Charlie was going to hide in was cuaght by surprise and answered  “Sure but don’t you think it’s cheating a little?  But if you really want to though, I guess you can.”  So when the Flashter finished counting he couldn’t figure out where Charlie was hiding. He checked in the bushes on top of the roof of their house and every other place he could think of.  So of course when Flashter couldn’t find Charlie anywhere, he thought that Charlie had run away! 

Solution: I’m over here! 

Soon Charlie asked How Flashter hadn’t found him yet and Galena explained that his hiding place was so good Flashter couldn’t find him she also suggested that he yelled out I’m over here.  Charlie thought that this was a great idea and immediately yelled out that he was hiding somewhere on or near Galena.  Flashter came over and found Charlie in Galenas pocket and he bursted out laughing.  He couldn’t believe that he hadn’t thought of that.  Galena was also laughing because Flashters laughing sounded like an elephant laughing.  Charlie had fallen out of Galena’s pocket, he was laughing so much! 

Five days later they were still laughing and all of them were rolling around on the ground.  Overall I reckon that they had a wonderful hide ‘n’ seek game.  I do hope that they stop laughing soon though don’t you? 😆😅

Self Assessment

Today I improved my writing by:

  • Using persuasive language

  • Described my characters in better language 

  • Spelled all of my words correctly

To improve my writing I must:

  • Write within the time limit

  • Not get so distracted 

  • Not go over the limit for speech conversations

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Spelling 2

Spelling, Week 10, Term 3, 2021







Spelling List words

Alphabetical order

Alphabetical order list words


Alphabetical order

Guide words































Au - to - ma - tic

Cam - paign

Cir - cu - lar

Ex - tra - or - din - a - ry

De - scend

In - tel - li - gent

In - tro - duc - tion

Ob - serve

Pho - to - graph

Nav - i - gate





















Thursday - Alphabetical  Spelling List Juicy Sentences - Underline the spelling list word that is in you sentence

My aunty named Kimberley has automatic window wipers on her car that turn on automatically.

My father loves to joke about going to campaign that bridge should be the last name in each family.

I think that running around a circular running track for sprinting is very confusing.

Sometimes I wish I could fly so that I could descend to earth on a cloud.

I wish that ginger hair was the most common, not the most extraordinary.

When I was five I thought that I was super duper intelligent but now I know that I wasn’t that smart. 

In one of my Thea sisters books the person who owns the observation park gives an introduction to the park and then lets the mice into the park to observe it.

I absolutely love to navigate my brothers through the prickly gorse and photograph the flowers of the gorse as well as the bees.